The Alberta Team

  • Marilyn & Charlie - Grand Prairie - Marilyn is the Team Leader
  • Arlene & Bill - Grande Prairie - Swan River R.C.
  • Sheila - Whitecourt R.C.
  • Gwen - Whitecourt R.C.
  • Arlaine - Spruce Grove R.C.
  • Ted - Camrose R.C. (me)


Day One - First 24 Hours in Aracaju

Our flight to Aracaju was delayed by 2 hours, so we didn`t get in until about 2am.

We had a wonderful welcoming committee, as you can see. All the families were out at the airport to greet us.

The next morning, we had to be up early to catch a ferry, so most of us only had a few hours sleep. The ferry crosses a large river. From there we dropped our stuff (overnight bags) off at a beach house, and then went to a dock where we boarded a boat.

We started to get to know each other on the boat!!

Thats me on the left. Just so my wife Louise knows... the good looking girl next to me is Bia. Her boyfriend is Filipe is the GOOD LOOKING, YOUNG guy, just behind her.....


Bill and Arlene

When we got off the boat, we got onto some dune buggies and went exploring the dunes that are adjacent to the beach. Wild Ride!

Gwen, Sheila, and Arlaine

Charlie and Marilyn

The Canadians in the dunes!

Arlaine sandboarding down a dune! Very Fast!!

Ted Sandboarding - leaning back to far!

A wonderful Smorg dinner at the resort. Lots of swimming in the waves.

The Beach!

So - now I´m only two days behind in my posts. We have been so busy, that I have hardly had time to download my photos - never mind post them. Hope I can add some more tomorrow.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Ted,

As my first comment, I have to say that was just the beginning of the trip and unfortunately this first part I didn´t go with the group.
And this blog is very interesting because we can extend the trip...

Paulo e família - Aracaju